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Well Done Grads!

Hello Parents;

The focus at Brant Christian this past week has been honouring our 7 graduates. On Thursday we held our grad chapel where each of the grades had an opportunity to say thank you to our grade 12 students and to poke a little fun at them as well. Former principal Rob Cowie brought a message for the grads.

On Friday night the more formal part of the Brant tradition took place at the Highwood Golf and Country Club. Family, friends and staff joined our senior students as we celebrated their success and prayed for God's leading and blessing in their future goals. Pastor Scott Fisk brought a challenge for our students. Miguel Rodriguez spoke on behalf of the society board, Jason Kupery spoke on behalf of Palliser superintendents and Robert Strauss represented the Palliser Board of Trustees and presented a plague to this year's valedictorian, Joe Johal.

This year's grads were all strong leaders and they did much to make Brant Christian a very fun and caring school for all students. Their skills and enthusiasm will be greatly missed. It is reassuring to see that the grade 11, 10 and 9 students possess many skills and will do a fantastic job as they assume their roles of leadership next year. Our high school students are so valuable to us as they are very influential in setting the tone for the school. We are very grateful for the students who stay at Brant Christian for their high school because of the role they play in setting a strong Christian example for the younger students to follow.

This Tuesday is the very important general meeting for all parents. The meeting will take place at 7:00 PM at the Full Gospel Church in High River. It will be an exciting meeting as our board continues to make plans for the future of our school. I look forward to seeing all of you there as we celebrate God's leading and direction.

Wednesday will be a quiet day at Brant. Grades 1 - 4 will be away at the Glenbow Museum while grades 5 - 12 will participate in a softball tournament in Barons. I think Cathy is looking forward to Wednesday and a very quiet day for getting caught up on work.

This Friday will be character day at school. Students can dress up in costume to be whom ever they would like. We will close the day off with our annual spring/summer water fight. Water guns only, no buckets this year. Come prepared to get wet.

On Saturday our school float will be in the Okotoks parade. If you are in attendance along the route, please shout as we pass by.

We continue to thank and praise God for all that he has done for our school this year. For the safety and healing that he has provided and for his daily blessing. We are so fortunate to be able to offer Christian education in our area that is so accessible and affordable.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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