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Winter break

Hello Parents;

When I mentioned last week that we were expecting cold weather, I did not realize how cold it would get. Driving to school on Wednesday, my car thermometer registered -38. As a teacher, we do not like to have students miss time when the school is open as it only backs up what needs to be taught and shortens the time frame which we have to cover the material. When we have days where the buses are not running, we would like to see as many students as possible come to school. The more students we have, the more of a regular day we can run. The students who were able to make it out enjoyed their time at school. We look forward to seeing all of the students on Monday.

Now that the weather is warming up to average temperatures, we will be back using our skating rink for PE classes. Please make sure if you have children in grades 1 -8 that they come to school ready to skate in PE class. This unit will continue into and including the first week of February. The skating rink is open to any of our school families to use on days when we are not in school.

All families should be receiving a call in the next week from a Brant board member encouraging you to complete the government survey called, "Accountability Pillar." These have been e-mailed out to all families have a child in grade 4 and higher. Please take the time to fill out the survey. There is no better opportunity to promote our school to the government than through this form.

We are just over a week away from our students and chaperones leaving on their mission trip. Wednesday the 29th is fast approachingĀ  and our students are eager to get underway. We were able to reach our goal for covering the cost to build two houses. If you would still like to donate to the trip, your contributions would go towards lowering the cost of each student's personal expenses. The exchange rate on the Canadian vs. U.S. dollar has made the cost for the trip more than first anticipated. As long as your donation is made out to the school and not an individual student, it is considered a taxable deduction. Please keep the students in prayer. We know that these ventures can be life changing and we pray that the students will come back with a desire the serve God even more than when they went to Mexico.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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