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Year end events

Hello Parents;

Our grade 6 students are breathing a sigh of relief. They completed their Provincial Achievement Tests and as a class they have done very well and we are proud of them. Our grade 9 students have 2 PAT's to write this week and their year is wrapped up. Tomorrow all grades are off the Southern Alberta Bible Camp for a full day of fun activities. For the parents who are able to come along, we look forward to having you join us. It should be a very enjoyable day and a exciting way to wrap up the school year as an entire group. We will be leaving school shortly after 8:30 AM and will return by 3:30 PM.

On Tuesday we conclude our year's theme on service and specifically June's focus on athletics by having Corbin Knight join us in our assembly to talk about living a Christian life in the NHL. The assembly gets underway at 8:30 and all parents and visitors are welcome to attend.

Friday is a school day at Brant. Please plan on having your children in attendance. It is not quite summer holidays yet and we do expect our students to be in school. The final day of school will be Tuesday, June 28. The first part of the day will give the students an opportunity to do a final clean-up of their lockers and to put their classroom in order for a thorough summer cleaning. We will then have our class promotion exercises where students receive their report cards and are congratulated by the teacher for a year well done. This will be followed by a parent/child water balloon toss. Last year you will recall we had an egg toss. We thought it would be much cleaner to use water balloons. For families where only one parent can be in attendance but with more than one child, we can easily work out an arrangement where all can participate. We will wrap up the day with a bbq. Please try and attend this final day. It is a great way to kick off the start of summer.

Enjoy your week.

Kevin Bailey


SABC Year-End Field Trip-June 20

Monday was the perfect day for heading out to SABC, located on Travers Reservoir, near Little Bow Provincial Park! Our staff and students had a great time, enjoying wide games, swimming and kayaking, the GIANT swing (for our older students), activities in the gym and also a delicious hamburger lunch!  This outing was a wonderful way to celebrate the end of the year! 

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