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Zone Champions

Hello Parents;

The most exciting news of the week was the zone championship in volleyball won by our junior high boys. This is the first zone medal and banner won by Brant and we are extremely proud of the boys and Mr. Doerksen who represented our school so well in Picture Butte on the weekend. This victory was a championship that cover all of southern Alberta based on school population. We were playing against schools much larger than ourselves but our team persevered and came home with gold medals. Thank you to Mr. Doerksen for the hours of work he put into the team and for the parents for all the driving they did throughout this season.

This past week was a busy one at Brant. It ended with our annual auction on Saturday night. I am always amazed with the generousity of the people and how willing they are to give to Brant Christian to support our school. It is an amazing event to attend and this year's attendance was the largest in several years. Thank you to Erin Niemans and her committee who work so hard to put this together. If you were unable to attend, make plans now to be part of this event next year. It is always held in early November. I will let you know how much was raised in next week's blog.

The last volleyball team still playing is our senior boys. They will participate in the Foothills League playoffs starting on Monday at Strathcona-Tweedsmuir and will play again on Wednesday against a team that will be determined by Monday's result. Their zone competition will start on November 14 in Lethbridge and run over the course of 3 days. If they win gold in this tournament, they then get to compete at a provincial level in late November.

Our high school students are looking forward to their mission trip to Tijuana in January. They are still in need of help from people who can donate to their cause. They want to build two houses for needy families while in Mexico and need to raise $20,000 to achieve this goal. If you are able to make a donation, please contact the school. (403-684-3752)

We will be celebrating our Remembrance Day service this week on Tuesday, Nov. 5. Our service will get underway at 10:00 and should be over shortly after 11:00. Please come and join us as we remember the sacrifice of so many.

Two other important dates are Nov. 26, the Annual General Meeting being held at the Christian Reformed Church in High River starting at 7:00 PM and our Christmas concert on Nov. 28 at the Baptist church in High River at 7:00 PM

Thank you again for your support of Brant Christian. Please join us at the AGM for the update as to how God continues to bless our school.

Kevin Bailey

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Box 130
Brant , AB T0L 0L0

Phone: 403-684-3752

Fax: 403-684-3894