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Gearing up for a New School Year!

Hello BCS families!
My hope is that you’ve had time to enjoy the beautiful weather God has provided us this summer and are well rested as we set our sights on having a great 2024-25 school year. We are eagerly looking forward to seeing familiar faces as well as welcoming many new families and students. God has certainly blessed us to have a number of new teachers on staff this year. Mrs. Brooklyn Young will be teaching Kindergarten as well as math 3-6, Mr. Joshua Overland is our CTS option teacher and Mrs. Brittany Riddle will be teaching Grade 1/2. As well, Mrs. Katrina Wyatt will be joining the Brant staff as an educational assistant.

Agenda for First Day of School
8:30 Arrival and Greetings: Students go to their homerooms.
9:00 Parents with K-6 students meet in the gym/Grade 7 - 12 students stay in their homerooms
9:15 Pancake breakfast for K - 6 students (outside weather permitting)
9:30 Grade 7 - 12 students & parents meet in the gym
9:45 Pancake breakfast for gr. 7 - 12 students (outside weather permitting)
10:15 K - 6 students return to homeroom
10:30 Grade 7 - 12 students return to homeroom
11:00 Students begin regular classes
11:45 Lunch
12:30 Regular afternoon classes
3:45 End of classes

Pancake Breakfast
Every year, we get to start off the first day of school with a pancake breakfast. You will have the chance to meet our wonderful Brant Society Board as they serve up pancakes, eggs and sausage.

Nut Free
Brant is a peanut and tree nut free school. Please check labels on foods and do not send foods containing races or peanuts or other nuts. Thank you for your cooperation to ensure a safe environment for all of our students.

First Day Supplies
Upon arriving at school, we ask that all students (and parents) bring school supplies to their homeroom (including photocopy paper). Teachers will be there to help students organize their supplies.

Student Sign Out
Students who need to leave school early will need to sign out at the office. If an adult is picking them up we do require that adult's signature (any student who doesn’t drive on their own). Senior High students who drive can sign themselves out, however for all students under the age of 18, we require parent permission to leave early if the student has any classes scheduled for the remainder of that day, otherwise they will be marked unexcused. If someone other than the student’s parent will be taking a student early, we will require confirmation from a parent or legal guardian and identification will be requested at the office prior to letting students leave the school.

Reporting an Absence
Please go to to report a student absence. If a child is missing from your family, please let Mrs. Massey in the office know. Emails and phone calls are also accepted for absence reporting. If you have any questions please let us know.

Palliser District School Fees
These fees are different than the society fees that you are familiar with (Alternative Program Fees and Bussing). School fees are things such as technology fees (gr.1-12), yearbook fee, field trip fees, hot lunch, option fees, locks for lockers, etc. These fees are paid through our School Cash system at If you are new to school cash, just go to this link and register (make sure that you use Palliser School Division and Brant Christian School) and add your child(ren) to the newly created account. Please check your account frequently and pay fees in a timely manner. All fees have a deadline and are required prior to that time. Please be patient as Mrs. Massey gets this year's fees online.

Hot Lunch
Our hot lunch program will begin in October. Mid-September you will find the October order on The deadline for ordering each month's selections is the last Friday of the previous month.

Feel free to reach out to me should you have any ideas or concerns, or just want to chat.

Mr. Shain Chisholm, Principal Brant Christian School

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Box 130
Brant , AB T0L 0L0

Phone: 403-684-3752

Fax: 403-684-3894