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Community Cleanup a Success!

November Calender here.

Hello BCS parents!

Just a reminder Brant Christian is a peanut/nut free school. Please ensure that students are not bringing food with peanuts or tree nuts as part of their ingredient list as we do have several students who have severe peanut/nut allergies. Thank you for your consideration in keeping all of our students safe.

Brant Community Clean Up
We had a busy week at Brant Christian last week, that ended with the opportunity to bless our Brantian residents with some leaf raking. It was great to see our younger students working alongside the “olders” as we tried to put a dent in the massive accumulation of leaves that fall from the many trees in Brant.
We need to acknowledge all the hard work, but also the creativity of our students in the variety of full-body dives into the leaf piles.
Special thanks goes out to all those who loaned their rakes as well as for the use of Anderson’s vehicle and the Djikstra’s trailer.

For safety reasons, we would like to ask parents who pick up young children after school, to please refrain from driving into the parking lot while students are making their way to their buses.

Business Class Bake Sale
Our Grade 10 Entrepreneurial Foundations class put on a bake sale last Friday, October 18. The offerings were all original and very yummy.
All proceeds are going to purchase a new Cricut machine that helps our students produce all sorts of amazing products.

The Great Grad Brant Bottle Drive
This year’s grad class “Class of 2025” is organizing some fundraisers and one of the major fundraisers will be a bottle drive. Brant Christian Grad has been added as an account at both the Okotoks and High River Bottle Depots. So when you drop off your bottles, just ask them to put the funds under Brant Christian and you will be supporting the grad “Class of 2025”! Thanks so much:)

Dual Credit and Off-Campus Courses
If your high school student is considering taking a dual credit course in the second semester here is the information you need to know. The link below contains information presented at this week’s Fall Dual Credit Info Night that was a repeat of what was offered at the Brant Meet the Teacher in September.
Dual Credit Information Session Fall 2024
Here's a link to the course list for semester two. There are close to 60 courses to choose from in a very broad range of topics. Click the links to access the info sheet for each program. list is also on the website at
Dual Credit Course List - semester two
Applications are now open at the Palliser website above. 
Applications are due Friday, November 1.
Please contact Mrs. Christine Wasik at the school by phone or email if you have any questions.

Volleyball Update
In volleyball this week, our senior boys and girls both played against Foothills Composite High. The Comp won both games, but it is worth noting that the girls won a set which was the first time any team in the league took a game off the Okotoks based team. The girls however were victorious over Edison earlier in the week. Our Junior A boys played well against John Paul II, but unfortunately, fell to a very strong opponent. Our Junior Varsity boys were not in action.

Brant Society Board Meetings
As always, parents are invited to attend Brant Society Board meetings that take place every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7pm at the High River Alliance. Should you want to come see what all the wonderful things the board is doing to continue to further the Brant Christian School mission, the next meeting is Tuesday, November 8.
If you (parents), as society members, have not received an email from the Brant Christian Society Board to please email

Hot Lunch
November hot lunch orders have opened today, however families whose last names begin with N to Z are unable to access their accounts at at this time. Our team is working to get the system up and running for next week. An email went out to these families today with an “old school” form for those who would like to order. Mrs. Massey will contact families to let you know if fixed in the next few days. The November Hot Lunch deadline has been extended to Wednesday, October 30th.

Feel free to reach out to me should you have any ideas or concerns, or just want to chat.
Mr Shain Chisholm, Principal

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