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Auction Time!

As October draws to a close we are focused on our auction which will take place this Saturday, Nov. 1, If you have not purchased your tickets, you need to get in touch with Cathy by tomorrow. Tickets will not be sold at the door. I hope to see you there.

Our junior high volleyball team wrapped up their season with a tournament at Milo on Wednesday. Thank you to our volunteer drivers, you make this events possible. Our team finished with 2 wins and a loss. Congratulations to coach Doerksen and his team for a very successful season. Basketball will be up next so watch for announcements regarding practice times

Tomorrow for our senior high students we will be celebrating another fabulous Friday with a Taco lunch. It's an opportunity to push away from the computers, kick back and enjoy each other;s company. There will also be a representative from the University of Lethbridge visiting our students tomorrow talking about the U of L and answering any questions they might have about post secondary education.

This coming Tuesday will be our Remembrance Day assembly. We invite all family members and friends to attend as we honour those who have served our country. Mr. Greidanus will be our special speaker. He was a young boy in Holland during Nazi occupation and liberation by the Allied forces. Come out and hear his stories and realize how blessed we are today.

A very important meeting is coming up on Thursday, Nov. 7. It is the annual general meeting of the Brant Christian School Society. It would be great to see every BCS family represented that night. Please make an effort to join us and support the parents who sit on the board and volunteer their time so readily.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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