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Busy Month

Hello Parents;

September is starting to fill up quickly. Please take note of the upcoming events.

* Sept. 21 cross-country meet at SABC for students in grade 3/4 - grade 7/8. Drivers needed

* Sept. 23 field trip to Heads Smashed In Buffalo Jump for grades 1 -4

* Sept. 23 field trip to Atlas Coal Mine for students in grades 5 - 12

* Sept. 24 official opening for Band room and Science lab. Start time 3:00. All parents and guests encouraged to attend. Refreshments to    be served afterwards.

This years' theme is centered around service and the many ways that we can serve our Lord and neighbours. We had our first activity on Friday afternoon with a quick walk through the hamlet of Brant picking up paper. Mr. D found a $5 bill which several people tried to claim as theirs. Mr. D donated the money to our foster child's fund. Well done Mr. D. The month of September is looking at how we can serve others through music and worship. Students were given the opportunity to take the words of a song and create their own beat. It was quite amazing to see the creativity of our students.

By now all of you have heard that Mr. Booker suffered a blood clot last weekend which lead to a heart attack. We are happy to say that he is now back home and doing well given the circumstances. He will however need to stay home for several weeks to recover. Mrs. Dorothy Schraa has taken over his teaching duties until Mr. Booker is able to return to Brant. Please continue to pray for Mr. Booker and a full recovery.

Brant Christian will have a senior boys volleyball team this year. We have 7 high school boys who have committed to representing Brant in this sport. We look forward to their progress as the season unfolds and for the excellent ambassadors they will be for our school.

Continue to keep our school in your prayers.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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