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Easter preparation

Hello Parents;

At Brant Christian we have made the weeks leading up to Easter an opportunity for our students to better understand all that took place prior to the crucifixion of Jesus. We meet every Monday morning for the singing of "O Canada" and a devotion. Last Monday we focused on Palm Sunday, tomorrow, the 7th, we look at the "Last Supper" and how this event brings in a new covenant between us and God. On Monday, April 14 we will look at the trial of Jesus and looking ahead to how we can celebrate Easter. I trust that this important time of the year will not slip away without our young people fully understanding the sacrifice that was made for us and the significance of the new covenant.

Please continue to lift up our society board members in prayer for the work they are doing to keep our school running smoothly while at the same time laying the foundation for the start of our new school building. There will be announcements coming out shortly about the next steps that will need to be taken in the school building process. We ask that you pray for the health of our students and staff. Many have been away due to bad colds. Please keep Mrs. Blake in your prayers as she is still recovering from a bad fall. Pray for new families who are considering sending their children to Brant Christian. Changing schools can be difficult for children and their parents.

God continues to bless our school and we are grateful for all that he has provided. We do not take His mercies for granted.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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