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Family Ski Day

Hello Parents;

February is always an exciting month, short as it is, there is always lots going on. This past week was a fun one. On Friday we celebrated "formal day" where we encouraged our students to come dressed up. I was very impressed by how many participated in the event. We finished off the week with a skating party and a strong north wind blowing. Our students once again proved to be prairie strong and did not let the cold weather stop them from going outside. The hot chocolate after certainly helped as well.

For this week, our junior high boys and girls basketball teams will be at Glenmore Christian Academy on Monday to play their first game of the season. On Wednesday some of our high school students travel to Lethbridge to participate in a career fair. On Thursday 5 of our grade 5 students will be in Vulcan participating in a leadership conference. The highlight of this coming week will be the family ski trip to Nakiska on Friday. We always have a good turn-out for this event and a wonderful way to spend time with your family and friends. It looks as if the weather will warm up by then as well.

Plans for our Spring play are well underway with roles being selected. The evening performance is scheduled for Thursday, April 13. Our junior/senior high choir is making great progress. We will be lining up another opportunity for them to perform in the near future. After the ski trip our next family activity will be an evening skating party at Brant on Thursday, March 2. This will start at 7:00 PM and run through until 9:00. It will be a pot-luck dessert/snack type of an event. More details will be provided as we get closer to the date.

Thursday, Feb. 16 we will be having an open house at Brant. This will run from 1:00- 8:00 PM. Please mark this on your calendar and invite your friends from church or your neighbours to come out and see what we have to offer.

With this week forecasting to be chilly please make sure your children are leaving home fully prepared to be outside. Hats, mitts, boots and warm jackets and snowpants are always in order.

Thank you for your support of Brant. We appreciate your prayers.

Kevin Bailey

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