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Grad Bake Sale - Nov 23/24

Greetings to all our Brant families! It has been a good week this week. On Wednesday I was able to go with Mrs Anderson and our 9-12 students to Theatre Calgary to watch The Importance of Being Earnest. We had a great time, and we received specific compliments on how Brant’s students behaved. And the students had more family day activities today, including their Hats for Jésus fundraiser which was a well received. 

I am currently at an Association of Christian Schools International conference, called the Flourishing School Initiative. This is designed to help Christian schools address issues around school improvement and I have felt blessed to be able to see how many of the ideas being addressed are present already in our community.

A few reminders:

  • Watch for report cards coming home on Monday.

  • Our Christmas concert is Wednesday, Dec 7. Please keep this night in mind to come out and enjoy our student performances.

  • Next week is our parent-teacher interview nights, November 23rd and 24th. We have times from 4 to 8 the first day, and from 2:30 to 8 on the second. This means there is early dismissal on Nov 24, with bus pick up happening at 2 pm.

  • Our grade 12 students will have a bake sale fundraiser during parent teacher interviews to help cover the costs of graduation this year. There will be lots of great baking there, so please feel free to bring your sweet tooth and check out the great baking!

Whatever you are doing this weekend, I pray God’s blessing on you and your family. And I hope to see you in person next week at interviews.

Quinn Barreth, Principal

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