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Hearts are changed

Hello Parents;

I trust that the Thanksgiving weekend has been a blessing for you and that you were able to spend time with family or friends and perhaps both.

Last week in chapel, Mrs. Brunning, after speaking to our students, asked if anyone would like to accept Christ. We had 13 students raise their hand wanting to talk more about this commitment and what it meant. God is working among our student body as we continue to grow disciples for Jesus. What a blessing to see the hearts of these young people desiring to serve Jesus.

Whenever we have a Monday off we generally have a Friday on and such is the case this week. By having school on Friday it gives us a chance to have the students spend some time in their family groups. It starts on Friday morning with family group devotions led by a grade 11 or 12 student. There are 12 family groups at Brant Christian. At the end of the day our student's council will have a family activity planned. As much fun as the day is, it is also an excellent time to get caught up on extra class time.

The routine for this week rotates around our volleyball teams. With four teams up and running there is always a team playing somewhere. High school boys play on Tuesday evenings and our junior high teams are in action on Wednesdays. Of course tournament play will take our teams away on Fridays and Saturdays. We are blessed to have so many coaches who are volunteering their time to train and direct our athletes. They are excellent role models for our students.

A reminder that our high school students are looking for people to support them in the mission trip to Tijuana. The group will be leaving on January 29 and returning the following week. While there, they plan to build two houses for needy families. In order to accomplish this goal they must raise $20,000. If anyone would like to donate to the building of these houses please contact the school. We will be selling pancake mix as a fundraiser. We are hoping to start this in late October or early November.

Of course we cannot mention November without reminding you that the annual Brant Christian auction will be taking place on Saturday, November 2. To purchase tickets you can contact the school to place your order. We are also looking for donations for the auction. If you have an item that you would like make available to the auction, please contact the school.

The BCS General Meeting will be taking place on Tuesday, November 26. This year it will be held at the Christian Reformed Church in High River starting at 7:00 PM. As a parent of Brant Christian School you are all members and it is vital that you attend to hear the update of our finances and to learn where our school is heading. Please mark your calendars now and be in attendance.

Thank you for your ongoing support of Brant Christian. We are beginning to see many changes not just in the number of students but in the hearts of our students.

Kevin Bailey

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