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Highway Cleanup Time

Hello Parents;

A few years ago we started taking our high school students on short term mission trips to Tijuana to build homes for families in need of housing. Many of you were likely involved in donating towards that cause. By exposing our students to mission work and the need that exists around the world, we were hoping that some of our students would be led into longer term mission work. Last Monday, in our high school chapel, we were blessed to hear about the adventures of one of our graduates from last year, Danica Pendree. She has spend a good portion of her time since graduation working with Youth With A Mission (YWAM). Danica was involved in a disciple training program that kept her in Mexico. She spoke to our high school students about her experience and how the opportunity to serve God in a different country had impacted her life. It was very encouraging to hear about her adventures and how much she depended on God's provisions to get her through her missionary work. She is the reason why we work so hard to get our students to take part in our home building mission trips to Mexico. I wish all of our students could experience what Danica did.

Building homes in Mexico is an expensive project for our students. A house will cost around $10,000 to build. We have had very generous donors in past mission trips but it is important that our students learn to raise a good portion of the cost to gain a full appreciation for what they are doing. This Saturday, May 1, a lot of students from Brant Christian and our parents will be out cleaning the road side along some of the highways in southern Alberta. The government pays groups $100/km to do this work and we have been given 57 km to do. All of the money raised on Saturday will go towards the next mission trip which is slated forĀ  January of 2023. In the fall we raised $2800 and this spring we will add $5700 more to the fund. We are always looking for helpers. If you enjoy a nice morning walk please contact the school this week. Each group is given 4- 5km of roadside to clean. We start at 9 and most groups will be done by 11:30.

A little while ago we sent out a request asking for donations to purchase a large mower for our school. Thanks to a some very generous families,we were able to purchase a machine that will easily meet our needs for years to come. Thank you to those families who were able to give. And thank you to everyone who continues to pray for our staff and school. Continue to let your friends know about our school. Although our numbers will be up next school year, we still have room for new students. You can make your mission field one of recruiting new students for Brant!

Thank you,


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