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Ottawa approaches

Hello Parents;

Now that we are into May it is amazing to see the changes all around us that Spring brings. Leaves are starting to bud on the trees, flowers are blossoming and the farmers fields around the school have been busy for a couple of weeks now. Last Thursday was our Spring production. Congratulations to Miss Wolfe and all students who took part. It was a very enjoyable evening and it was good to see so many parents, relatives and friends out to encourage our actors. 

On behalf of the students going to Ottawa, thank you to everyone who helped us with our bake sale. Your support is very much appreciated. The students will leave for Ottawa next Sunday morning for a week's stay in our nation's capital. They will return the following Saturday, hopefully with a much better understanding and appreciation for how our country operates. We will have pictures posted on our website as well as on our facebook page once our students return.

Palliser has a new associate superintendent who has the responsibility of overseeing the alternative Christian schools within the Palliser School Division. His name is Stan Hielema and he was the principal of Trinity Christian School in Calgary. Mr. Hielema will be visiting Brant Christian tomorrow to meet staff and students and to gain a better understanding of how we operate as a community. If you have the time, please come to school tomorrow morning as he will be addressing our students during our morning assembly. I would be happy to introduce you to Mr. Hielema and I know that he would be pleased to meet you. Mr. Hielema is known by some of our parents already as he was their teacher when they attended Calgary Christian.

Our grade 7/8 students are off to Camp Little Red this week. Mr. Doerksen, Mrs. Brunning and Mrs. Nauta will be acting as chaperones as 18 of our students will depart Wednesday after school for an exciting two days. Thank you to our chaperones for giving of their time to make memories with our students. Please keep this group and our high school students in your prayers for safety in their travels.

As previously mentioned in earlier blogs, we will be participating in the Little Britches Parade which will be held on Saturday, May 16. I will be sending permission forms home this week with some of our students asking for their help on parade day. If your son/daughter would be able to join us that morning for two hours, their presence would be appreciated. More details will be contained in the letter.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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