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Happy April! We are not trying to fool anyone when we say how happy we are to be in an actual spring month! The buds are out on the trees, there are giant flocks of swans heading north and the sun has stopped rising and setting directly in line with the roads! And on top of all that, the students had a great week together inside and outside the building.

A huge thank you goes out to our student’s council, who organized Spirit Week this week. The students had a great time dressing as teachers, characters, with crazy hair or hats and in their pjs. The highlight of the week was the giant Clue game that allowed students to pursue the guilty person in their family groups. And I don’t want to admit it, but they ended up finding out it was me!!

I also want to thank all the families who did such an amazing job of supporting our book fair. In speaking with Mrs. Maclean, it appears we surpassed our goal of $1500 by quite a lot, with the final total likely to come in over $2200! This means a lot more books for our students in our library, thanks to your generous support. 

I also wanted to remind you that as of April 1 registration is open to new families. It also means that BCS families with outstanding society fees from the past year will be placed on the waiting list. Registrations have been very strong, and our 7/8 class is currently full, with any new students that come in to be added to our waitlist. To begin the application process, please CLICK HERE.

The final piece of news I wanted to share was that the students had been asking to worship together in chapel again, and we were able to do that this week for the first time this year. It was a joy to watch the enthusiasm as they sang praises to God, and we were blessed to have Brent from Blue Bronna camp come to remind them of God’s never ending love. 

Thank you so much for entrusting us with your students. We are blessed to teach them, and to be able to watch them grow in their love for God. May you have a truly blessed weekend. 

Quinn Barreth, Principal 

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