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School Play

Hello Parents;

I trust that you and your family have enjoyed a relaxing May long weekend. (Queen Victoria Day) May continues to be a very busy month for everyone at school. Our spring concert last Wednesday made for a very enjoyable evening. I was very impressed by the talents of our students. Thank you to Mr. Rodgers for leading the bands, Tim Korthuis for directing our senior choir and Mrs. Dyck for leading our junior choir. It is always uplifting to hear young voices sing praise songs. The innocence of their voices add meaning to the words that they sung. Thank you as well to everyone who came out to the concert. It is always rewarding when you can perform before a large audience.

This coming week we get to perform our spring play put on by our senior drama students. It is entitled Peter and Wendy and it is a twist to the children's story of Peter Pan. The matinee performance will take place on Friday, May 25 starting at 1:00 PM. The evening gala performance will start at 7:00 PM. I encourage everyone to attend one of the performances and bring a neighbour or a friend with you.

On Thursday afternoon our students will be putting on a talent show and an Arts and Crafts display. Both are open to everyone. The talent show will get underway shortly after 1:00 PM

The flowers that were ordered in March will arrive at the High River Baptist Church this Thursday (24) and can be picked between the hours of 3:00 and 6:00 PM. The flowers will be arranged in individual family orders and will be located in the gym. Your original order sheet will be attached to your flowers. Please check your order sheet with the plants that have been gathered in your name. It is very important that all flowers are picked up by 6:00 PM

Our high school track athletes had their district track meet on Tuesday. Four of our high school students qualified to go to the zone track meet in Medicine Hat. I will keep you posted on their progress. Our junior high track team participates in their district meet this Wednesday.  A first or second place finish will qualify them to move on to their zone meet in Lethbridge on Tuesday, May 29.

Other events coming up include our graduation ceremony on Friday, June 1. This will be held at the High River Baptist Church.The annual Brant Christian Golf Tournament will take place on Saturday, June 9. If you would like to play and bring some of your friends along, please contact Cathy at school.

In conclusion, we must always be grateful for God's provision in our lives and at Brant Christian. His protection and His guiding hand is always present and we are blessed to serve such a great God. Please keep our society board members in your prayers as they continue to lay the foundation of a new school. There will be survey coming out shortly asking for your thoughts. Please take the time to respond. It will not take you long to share your views.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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