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Skating Party

Hello Parents;

I trust that your children have enjoyed their time away from school. If you were one of the fortunate families to get away over this break I hope that your time away was enjoyable and relaxing.

The highlight of this week will be our family skating party that will be held at the school on Thursday, March 2. It gets underway at 7:00 PM and lasting until 9:00. Snacks and drinks will be served starting at 8:00. We ask that each family coming out to bring some sort of snack that we can add to our pot luck. The snack can be a dessert item, or something salty, whatever you think the children would enjoy. The school will be providing hot and cold drinks for the evening. The ice at our rink has held up well, so it should make for an enjoyable evening with the temperature staying around the freezing level.

Over the break our high students were out on Vancouver Island at the Bamfield Marine Biology station. I hope that you were able to see some of the photos that Mr. Kroeker included on his blog site ( From all the reports, the students had a great time and everyone arrived home safely, which in itself is a blessing.

Our boys and girls junior high basketball teams will be participating in a basketball tournament at Arrowwood on Thursday. The games will take place during the day. Students will leave the school by 9:00 AM and return in time to catch the bus ride home.

Term 2 report cards will be coming out next Monday, March 6. Our parent/teacher interviews will take place on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, March 8 and 9 from 4:00 - 8:00. Please contact the school and book a time with Cathy.

Our kindergarten open house will take place on March 8 from 1:00 -3:30. If you have children who will be 5 years old next year or have friends who have children in this category, please pass on this information to them. It would help us if you contacted the school ahead of time.

We appreciate the prayers of our families for our school. We are blessed because of your faithfulness and God's providence. Please continue to support our school through your involvement.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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