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Hello Parents;

The recent warm days and extra daylight makes such a difference in everything we do. Our school yard has now dried up. We have been outside a couple of times with various groups of students picking up litter left over from the winter months. We have been slowing draining the skating rink and hope to put the liner away this Wednesday. Watching our students at recess and their desire to run and be active is interesting. The carefree lives of our younger students and their innocence is a blessing for them and certainly a reason why students come to Brant. Being in a country setting and the safe environment that we offer, allows for the innocence to exist for an even longer period of time.

The school play continues with rehearsals now taking place some days after school. The rush is on to have everything ready for the evening performance on April 13. The curtain will rise at 7:00 PM that night. Miss Wolfe continues to put a lot of time into the play and working with the actors. I am looking forward to the excitement of seeing our students as actors and what they will bring to the stage.

Our sport at the moment is badminton. The high school students practice on Tuesday afternoons and the junior high's on Wednesday and on Fridays we all meet at the rec center in High River when we generally have 30 students participating. Badminton is a very short season and for some of our students can be over after their first competition.

The high school students are continuing to sell hanging baskets and will do so until April 13 when all orders have to be in. The plants will arrive on May 25 at the High River Baptist Church. The funds that the students raise will go towards payment of their class trips. Next year's trip is scheduled for early February and is a mission trip to Tijuana. Please contact the school if you would like to order a basket or two.

Brant Christian's student council is planning a school talent show for Thursday, April 27. This is open to all students with auditions beginning this coming week. Parents are welcome to attend the show which will start at 2:00 on the 27th. Parents, please encourage your sons and daughters to come out for the auditions. 

We will be showing a very important documentary on April 26 at the High River Baptist Church called "Screenagers." The video is designed to highlight some of the dangers regarding the amount of screen time young people are spending on their computers, laptops and phones. Managing this can be very tricky and is a challenge for parents and schools. Please plan to join us that night and find out what is happening among our young people and what can be done to improve the situation. Although Brant is hosting the event we will be extending an invitation to everyone in the Foothills area. Please invite any of your friends to join us that evening.

Next Sunday is Palm Sunday and the start of the passion week. We will be doing all that we can to get our students focused on the importance of Easter and the significance of this time. Our Easter chapel will take place on Wednesday, April 12 starting at 1:15 with our elementary students. The joint session gets underway at 2:00 PM. Please plan to join us.

Until next week, our prayer is for God's blessing upon the Brant school families. Thank you for your support of Christian education. As teachers we are blessed to be able to work with you and your children.

Kevin Bailey

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