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Successful Golf Tournament!

Greetings to all our wonderful families!

Last week's wrap up is coming a little later as I wanted to be able to report on the golf tournament. We had 14 teams come out and play on what looked like it was going to be a cool wet day. However, the rain stopped and eventually even the clouds broke to give everyone a great afternoon that supported our athletics programs. It was a great experience to see so many present and past members of the Brant community come out to support our students in a very tangible way. This tournament allows us to keep our athletics fee as low as possible, so that we can ensure no student is excluded because they can't afford the fees. We will resume our normal spring tournament in June of this school year, so keep an eye out for how you can participate in that. And I also wanted to extend a huge thank you to all the staff who helped make the tournament successful, but especially Mr D for his tireless work in putting it all together.

As we finished the week, I was so impressed with our students who have fallen into the new routines of school and really embraced all the students who are new to Brant. We were able to have our first assembly, and it was a real joy to be able to sing O Canada as a school community. Students are also doing their best to help me to learn their names and even share a bit of who they are. It was very impressive to me to learn about some individual accomplishments from outside of school, like the student who placed first in a steer wrestling competition! We are very blessed to have so many talented students.

Earlier this week I announced the opportunity to hire an educational assistant for our school. If you know of anyone who is interested in taking on such a role, please encourage them to reach out to me. It is an awesome chance to help our students reach their fullest potential in their education.

I want to remind everyone to reach out to family and friends to sell apples. Don't hesitate to contact Jennifer Barreth if you have questions about any aspect of this fundraiser. They really are the best apples. Once tried, it’s hard to go back to regular ones! All orders are due by the 14th of October.

Thank you again to all our families and students for working so hard to keep Brant a healthy and safe place. Last year you were able to maintain in-person learning without any interruptions by your strong support of our covid protocols. Even with the new measures announced by the province, we can ensure students have great in-class, in-person learning with their commitment to following all guidelines and staying home when they are not feeling well. Please make sure your child has their mask at school with them. We have a limited supply available for those who have broken or lost masks, but we want to be good stewards of these resources.

I am looking forward to the great week ahead with our students and capping it off with our Friday trip to the Corn Maze. I pray you had a restful weekend, and I hope you had time to remember those who lost their lives 20 years ago on this tragic day in history. May God bless them and their families.

Quinn Barreth, Principal

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