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Welcome Back

Hello Parents;

The summer has been a very busy time around Brant Christian School. In early July the High River Baptist church hosted over 400 young people who had come from across western Canada to participate in SERVE 2015. We were fortunate to have 3 days of volunteer help. During this time our volunteers managed to get all the trim on the school painted as well our portables. Our boot room has some bright new paint and our stage area has been painted black as we get ready to add Drama classes to a growing list of options available to our students. Art will be another option for our students. As you probably know, we start our band program this year. The portable has been hooked up to our gas line, electrical lines have been extended and carpet has been installed. Mrs. Fisk has been busy this week preparing the room, rental instruments and music stands have arrived. Our band room is ready! And I forgot to mention new stairs and landings have been installed. We received our occupancy permit today so the only thing missing are our musicians. The second portable is quickly being transformed into our new science lab. Mr. Kroeker is very excited about stocking it with all kinds of interesting items. He finally gets to empty out his garage and his wife is extremely happy. The Science lab will prove to be a great addition for our students as they get to explore and study the wonders of Science and God's creation. We have even gone so far as to clean up our boiler room. Brant Christian is truly looking bright and shiny and ready for another exciting year.

The new year gets underway on Tuesday, Sept. 1. Students will go to their homeroom classes at 8:25. Our assembly will start at 9:00 AM and will likely last for 15 minutes. Breakfast for Kindergarten, and grade one/two students will start at 9:30. Breakfast is being served in the playground area. Older students will be served next. This morning is open to all parents. Please come and join us for the morning and share your summer stories with us

As always, our parents are our best representatives when it comes talking about Brant. It is not too late for new students to join us this year. If you have friends who are searching for a new school environment for their children, why not tell them about Brant. I look forward to seeing your children on Tuesday and hopefully you as well.

Kevin Bailey 

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